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Friend Me Not


Accepting a friend request on Facebook can be a little like buying a pig in a poke. Maybe there should be a “Try Me First” feature. The problem with blindly accepting a request to be friends is that I have no idea how much twaddle you might post.

I’m memed out; those things aren’t even funny anymore. And it may come as a surprise to some but, I’m not all that interested in what they scored on Candy Crush,  nor do I feel the need to “Like” a post to prove I’m patriotic.  I agree with your 275+ posts on your right to bear arms,  although I also believe that some people shouldn’t be allowed to carry a sharp stick.

Facebook and Twitter have turned into a platform for social anger; a personal soap box to boldly express “Free Speech,” from behind the safety of ones computer screen. I’ve often wondered why some of you never seemed that outspoken in person.

Its kind of ironic that someone would “friend request” me and then feel it is perfectly fine to hatefully trash my beliefs on a weekly basis. If the only rationale used to support their belief is to trash mine, well I wouldn’t suggest joining the debate team. From my perspective, people who are content with their philosophy of life generally don’t feel the need to devote so much time attacking the views of others.

Instead, do what “friends” do, tell me about your life, your family, your grand kids. Allow me to celebrate your accomplishments and lift you up in your sorrow. Share a funny story — post something that makes you look appealing. This friend can only take so much codswallop.

I respect your right to believe whatever you want. March in whatever parade you like, financially support whatever cause you favor, even run for political office if you think you have something to offer. I originally cared enough about you to accept your friend request, please don’t make me regret it.

Photo credit: mkhmarketing / Foter / CC BY


15 thoughts on “Friend Me Not

  1. Well put! It’s great for catching up with old friends and also relatives you’ve never met, but they are all too busy posting their stuff to stop and say a proper ‘Hi’. It’s all kind of silly isn’t it?


    • They tell us we need to create an “Author’s Platform” Facebook, Twitter, etc are considered part of it but in all honesty, it has become so clutter with garbage that I’m failing to see the author’s advantage of it anymore. When a person can purchase “Likes” & “Follows” to create the impression of a huge following what is the realistic advantage of it? The up-side of it is that I do promote my blog posts and book news on my page and it does reach people who would be otherwise be unaware of new posts on my blog. Thanks for commenting Debbie!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for this information too, Gene. Would you recommend that I sign up to Facebook then? I am on Twitter and I have a mere ONE follower from there!


  2. As always, your wisdom is on display. Thanks for the thoughts. I wish I could have said this with as much elegance.


  3. Gene, my daughter and I were just talking about how painful Facebook can be. We’ve figured out that we can unfollow a person’s posts without unfriending them. I have friends I genuinely care about–but I don’t care for a lot of their posts. My favorite friends share stuff I love to see, and I hope that what I share gives them joy too. As always, I like your grace-filled and from-the-heart words.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


  4. I just saw an ecard and wanted to copy it here as a comment, but don’t know if that is possible. It said:
    “I used to think it would be cool to be able to read other people’s minds. Then I joined Facebook and got over that.”


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